Susi Air Membuka Lowongan Bagi Lulusan SMA dan Sarjana

Jurnalis: Husni Habib
Editor: Marno

6 Juni 2023 19:45 6 Jun 2023 19:45

Thumbnail Susi Air Membuka Lowongan Bagi Lulusan SMA dan Sarjana Watermark Ketik
Pesawat Susi Air. (Foto: Dok. Humas Bandara Rembele)

KETIK, JAKARTA – PT ASI Pudjiastuti Aviation atau sering disebut Susi Air adalah maskapai penerbangan Indonesia yang dioperasikan oleh PT ASI Pujiastuti Aviation dengan penerbangan berjadwal dan charter.

Berkantor-pusat di Pangandaran, Jawa Barat, Susi Air beroperasi dari lima pangkalan utamanya di Medan, Jakarta, Balikpapan, Kendari, Bandung, Cilacap, dan Sentani.

Susi Air mengoperasikan 50 pesawat dengan berbagai tipe seperti 32 Cessna Grand Caravan, 9 Pilatus PC-6 Porter dan 3 Piaggio P180 Avanti. Susi Air mempekerjakan 136 pilot, dengan 90 di antaranya merupakan pilot asing. 

Saat ini Susi Air membuka lowongan kerja terbaru dalam rangka mencari calon pegawai yang siap untuk bergabung sebagai karyawan perusahaan.

Posisi yang dibutuhkan:


Requirements :

• Diploma/Bachelor’s degree All Major from Reputable University 

• Verbal and written English communication skill is a must 

• Able to work individually and within a team 

• Work well under pressure 

• Good character, creative, innovative 

• Willing to be placed throughout Indonesia 

• Skill in multitasking 

• Excellent organizational skill 

• Flexible in terms of working hours 

• Able to work in an agile environment 

• Fresh graduates are welcome to apply 


Document :

• Application letter 

• Curriculum Vitae (Please attach your CV in English Version) 

• Photocopy of KTP 

• Photocopy of Diploma/Certificate of Graduation 

• Health History Certificate from a doctor 

• SKCK legalization is active 

• Booster Vaccine Certificate 

• Supporting Documents (License, certificate, etc) 


Benefits :

• International working environment 

• Accommodation and daily meals will be provided by the company 



Requirements :

• Minimum SMK / SMA graduates 

• Have a degree 

• Minimum age 18 years and maximum 27 years 

• Not married yet 

• Physically and mentally healthy 

• Can operate Ms. Office, especially Ms. Excel 

• Well behaved, creative, and has initiative 

• Can work individually or team 

• Has no criminal record 

• Willing to be placed throughout Indonesia 

• Have good English skills and be fluent both verbally and in writing 

• Able to work under pressure 

• Have a problem solving attitude and make good decisions 

• Able to adapt to new environment 


Document :

• Application letter 

• Curriculum Vitae (Please attach your CV in English Version) 

• Photocopy of KTP 

• Photocopy of Diploma/Certificate of Graduation 

• Health History Certificate from a doctor 

• SKCK legalization is active 

• Booster Vaccine Certificate 

• Supporting Documents (License, certificate, etc) 



Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Kedirgantaraan Yogyakarta

Jl. Parangtritis No.KM, RW.5, Druwo, Bangunharjo, Kec. Sewon, Kabupaten Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55187

(Contact Person +62 811-2123-923) 

Jadwal pelaksanaan: tanggal 12 Juni s/d 14 Juni 2023 (Pukul 07.00 WIB – 15.00 WIB) 



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• Yang akan diproses ke tahap selanjutnya hanya untuk pelamar yang memenuhi kualifikasi.(*)

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Lowongan Kerja susi air penerbangan OJT Management trainee SMA/SMK Sarjana